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Wednesday, 19. September 2018 - 08:00 - 19:00

The HES-SO Valais-Wallis Data Semantics Lab organizes a follow-up to the previous Linked Data Switzerland Workshop 20152016 and 2017. The event will be kindly hosted by the Swiss Federal Archives, in Bern.

This workshop brings together the different actors of Linked Data in Switzerland, to help synergies from data owners to technicians.

Participants of the workshop

  • Swiss Federal Archives
  • Swiss Federal Railways
  • Swiss Federal Statistical Office
  • Swiss Federal Office of Topography
  • Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
  • Kantons Basel-Stadt
  • eCH Open Government Data Group
  • Die Wissens-Ingenieure - a Knowledge Engineering solution provider and consulting company with a focus on semantic information integration, modeling and reasoning
  • FactsMission - Linked Data development and consulting for more Facts and less noise
  • Plazi - a Swiss based NGO and SME with the goal to foster and  provide open access to scientific, published  research data covering the world’s biodiversity
  • Zazuko - a software development and consulting company focusing on Semantic Web and related technologies
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • HES-SO Valais/Wallis - Data Semantics Lab



Current development of Linked Data in Switzerland

With the following presentations:

  • Nadia Zuercher, BAR: Lindas and the future Linked-Data Platform
  • Beat Estermann, BFH: "eCH-0205: Linked Open Data" white paper released
  • Pasquale Di Donato, swisstopo: lessons learned for geodata publication as Linked Data, and the current limitations
  • Markus Pilzecker, Die Wissens-Ingenieure: Présentation and discussion about the publication of the TERMDAT-LD dataset
  • Christian Trachsel, SBB: Ticketing Information, MeteoData, Information about the stations
  • Zazuko: a tool to define LD Data Structure in a collaborative mode

Workshop/discussion organisation

Based on the presentations, a few discussions will be organized about some open points proposed by the speakers


Workshops and discussions


Final discussions

Presentations of the workshops results and final talks for today

Save the date

  • Date: September 19th 2018, 13:30 - 16:30
  • Address: Swiss Federal Archives, Archivstrasse 24, 3005 Bern, Switzerland

Workshop chair and further information

Please contact me for any further question and if you want to participate to the workshop.

Fabian Cretton, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), fabian.cretton@hevs.ch