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LINDAS Linked Data Service is a server for Linked Open Data from Swiss authorities. The LINDAS service is a prototype. It was developed in 2015 by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO and has been operated by the Federal Archives since the start of 2017.


LINDAS Linked Data Service is a server for Linked Open Data from Swiss authorities.

The LINDAS service is a prototype. It was developed in 2015 by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO and has been operated by the Federal Archives since the start of 2017. In parallel, the Federal Archives are also conducting a Linked Data project designed to develop the service further. Further information can be found on the eGovernment Switzerland website.

The HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Data Semantics Lab, was mandated in the Automn 2016 to orchestrate the setup and maintenance of the LINDAS platform. Our tasks include:

  • At the system level: the management of the installations and updates that are then performed by the hosting company.
  • At the software level:
    • The setup of the Stardog triple store (databases, credentials, settings, etc.)
    • The organization of the datasets for the different use–cases (data transformation and updates, Named Graph organization, etc.).