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Serge Imboden

Full professor UAS
Office Technopôle - Le Foyer

Serge Imboden is professor and reseacher at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) since octobre 2009. Befor he was director of a privat school of Commerce, Head of Vocational and Educational Training of Swisscom AG, than Head of Vocational and Educational Training of the Canton of Wallis and Deputy Director of the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology (OPET) as well as Head of the Department for Professional and Educational Training. He was vice-president of the Schweizerischen Berufsbildungsämter-Konferenz (SBBK), president of the Conférence romande des chefs de service de la formation professionnelle (CRFP) and member of the swiss comitee of research in Vocational and Educational Training.

Serge Imboden has a degrée of Teaching in secondary II level and a Master in Science in Education at the University of Fribourg. He also obteined a Diploma in Computer Science of Higher Vocational Educational Training at the University of applied sciences of Sierre and an Executive Master in Telecommunication and Information technologies at the University of Fribourg. In 2017 he optained his PHD (Dr. rer. pol.) in Economics at the University  Konstanz


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