Champéry Power Conference 2019

We are pleased to invite you to attend the international conference on
to be held in the beautiful ski resort of Champéry, Switzerland, February 3-8 2019. This event is organized by the School of Engineering of Valais and the Automatic Control Laboratory of the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zürich. The workshop gathers a panel of speakers and an audience of international experts in the field of electric power systems to identify current and future challenges, as well as opportunities facing electric power systems in the context of the energy transition.
For information on the conference program, the registration process, the call for papers, the conference location and local accomodation can be found by clicking the appropriate tab in the menu on the left.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the international workshop and conference on
Future Electric Power Systems and the Energy Transition
to be held in the beautiful ski resort of Champéry, Switzerland in early February 2019. This event is organized by the School of Engineering of Valais and the Automatic Control Laboratory of the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zürich. The workshop gathers a panel of speakers and an audience of international experts in the field of electric power systems to identify current and future challenges, as well as opportunities facing electric power systems in the context of the energy transition.
Sessions will consist of both invited and contributed talks. Regular participants will be given the opportunity to present their results in a poster session and/or in oral communications. During the registration process, participants can select to either make an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
The conference will start with a welcome reception in the late afternoon of Feb 3. Sessions will begin on Monday morning, Feb 4. Champéry is a ski resort located in the Swiss alps. It is easily reachable from Geneva airport by car (ca. 2h) or by public transportation (train; ca. 2h 30 mins). More detailed informations on the conference are available on, where you are welcome to register for the conference until November 30, 2018. The conference admission fee is 400.- CHF for academic participants and 800.- CHF for industrial participants. Limited funds may be available for younger researchers upon request, to cover part of their travel expenses.We hope very much that you will accept this invitation. Should you decide to do so, we ask you to complete the registration form on
Do not hesitate to contact us at info.isi[at] should you need further information.
Current list of invited speakers (* = confirmed)
- Petros Aristidou* (Leeds)
- Bassam Bamieh* (UCSB, USA)
- Janusz Bialek* (Skoltech, Russia)
- Florin Capitanescu* (LIST, Luxemburg)
- Michael Chertkov* (LANL, USA)
- Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate* (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Madeleine Gibescu* (Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Oriol Gomis* (Barcelona)
- Ian Hiskens* (Michigan, USA)
- Wolfgang Hribernik (AIT, Austria)
- Gabriela Hug* (ETHZ, Switzerland)
- Mihailo Jovanovic* (USC, USA)
- Maryam Kamgarpour* (ETHZ, Switzerland)
- Stefan Kettemann* (Bremen, Germany)
- John Lygeros* (ETHZ, Switzerland)
- Pierluigi Mancarella* (Melbourne, Australia)
- Bogdan Marinescu* (Nantes, France)
- Mario Paolone* (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Alessandra Parisio* (Manchester, UK)
- Christian Rehtanz* (Dortmund, Germany)
- Luis Rouco* (Madrid, Spain)
- Jacquelien Scherpen* (Gröningen, Netherlands)
- John Simpson* (Waterloo, Canada)
- Dirk Witthaut* (Jühlich, Germany)
We have invited international experts as key speakers (see the list of invited speakers) from 11 countries. Their keynote addresses will be complemented with oral presentations from contributing, bright younger participants. The detailed final conference program is now available (see the pdf file at the bottom end of this page).
The conference will start with a welcome reception in the evening of Feb 3. Sessions will begin on Monday morning, Feb 4 and end on Friday, Feb 8, 2019. Topics to be covered include:
The program committee consists of
Prof. Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate, EPFL