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Thursday 11 January 2018 14:27
December, 2017: The second season-opening event took place at the family and holiday destination at Bürchen. The staged theme of this year's event is "Moosalbi visits Smurfland." Similar to last year’s event, visitors were invited to participate in a wide range of activities and exciting opportunities in the children's paradise Bodmen in Bürchen.
The event was organized by Bürchen Tourismus under the direction of Managing Director Philipp Gattlen and the students of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, school of management & tourism Valais/Wallis, as part of the option "Eventmanagement". The students were again coached by Professor Patrick Kuonen of the School of Management & Tourism
“When Moosalbi awoke in the morning in Smurfland, the whole village was in a panic. Papa Smurf told Moosalbi that Smurfette had disappeared. He guessed that Gargamel had captured her as she was collecting berries. Gargamel is a wicked wizard who lives deep in the forest in a castle with his cat Asrael. He is always on the watch and catches Smurfs. However, Gargamel does not know exactly
where Smurfland lies. Papa Smurf was sad because he had lost Smurfette and did not know what he should do now. This is the beginning of the adventure of Moosalbi and the families and children who set out to find Smurfette.”
The theme of the family event in Bürchen was a story written by students of the school of management & tourism Valais/Wallis. This time it was about Moosalbi, who goes for a walk in the woods and suddenly lands in Smurfland. The special activity was connected with the adventurous story of Moosalbi in Smurfland. The story was first told to the children in a dance workshop with Jeannette Salzmann, who opened the event. Another highlight was the puppet theater of the Chasperlibühne Thery. In addition, the children had opportunities for pony rides and craft activities. The highlight of the event was a toboggan race with parents and children. And, of course, snacks
were available for the guests in Smurfland all day long. "Papa Smurf's favorite hot dogs" and "Smurfine's cakes” provided an energy boost between the various offerings. To defy the cold, there was "Asrael’s Hot Chocolate" and "Gargamel's Mulled Wine."