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Thursday 21 September 2017 11:58

The HES-SO Valais-Wallis Data Semantics Lab organizes a follow-up to the previous Linked Data Switzerland Workshop 2015 and 2016. The event will be kindly hosted by the Swiss Federal Archives, in Bern on September 20th 2017. Mr. Fabian Cretton from Data Semantics Lab presided over this workshop.

This workshop brings together the different actors of Linked Data in Switzerland, from data owners to technicians. The general goal is to help synergies, with a specific focus this year to propose solutions for some identified difficulties in domains such as data publication, a Swiss ontology for eGovernement-related datasets, missing datasets, links between datasets, authoritative entities, etc.

Participants of the workshop

  • Swiss Federal Archives
  • Swiss Federal Statistical Office
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
  • Swiss Federal Office of Topography
  • Kanton Basel-Stadt
  • eCH Open Government Data Group
  • Die Wissens-Ingenieure - a Knowledge Engineering solution provider and consulting company with a focus on semantic information integration, modeling and reasoning
  • FactsMission - Linked Data development and consulting for more Facts and less noise
  • Plazi - a Swiss based NGO and SME with the goal to foster and  provide open access to scientific, published  research data covering the world’s biodiversity
  • ​Semweb - a software development and consulting company specialized in Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data
  • Zazuko - a software development and consulting company focusing on Semantic Web and related technologies
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • HES-SO Valais/Wallis - Data Semantics Lab