The partners of the European project REACTT (Reliable Advanced Diagnostics and Control Tools for increased lifetime of solid oxide cell Technology) met on April 18 and 19 at Campus energypolis at the invitation of the GEM group at EPFL Valais Wallis. This project, the fruit of collaboration between 6 R&D partners, including Dr. Jan Van Herle's GEM group and Prof. Grégory Francois' research group at HES-SO Valais-Wallis, and 3 industrial partners, aims to develop a monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis and control (MDPC) tool for solid oxide batteries and systems (SOE) and reversible solid oxide batteries (rSOC). This sophisticated hardware and software platform (MDPC) will increase the reliability and efficiency of SOEs and rSOCs, and extend their lifetimes. These are important advances for renewable energy applications, as an rSOC is a cell that typically produces hydrogen in summer, in the presence of excess solar energy, and then produces electrical power in winter, consuming the stored hydrogen. The 4-year, €2,712,322.50 project will be completed by the end of the year.
To read about the project REACTT