Swiss Space Summer Camp 2017 : August 27 to September 3rd 2017, School of Engineering, Sion (Switzerland)

The School of Engineering (HES-SO Valais-Wallis - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland) is this year's host university of the Swiss Space Summer Camp.

This summer camp, organised by the Swiss Space Center, aims at providing universities students knowledge on specific topics linked to space over one week. It is open to all the students (bachelor, master or PhD) in the World.

The participants take care of their visa, insurance and flight tickets. The Swiss Space Center and the HES-SO provide accommodation, meals, internal transportation, and visits to the participants.

Who can participate?

Any students in their last year of Bachelor's degree, in Master's or PhD degrees are elligible to apply.
Specialisation in aerospace is welcomed but not mandatory.


The detailed program is here.

Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday August 27 and to leave on Sunday September 3rd (early departure as from Friday September 1st in the evening can be envisaged). 

Topics of workshops and lectures:

The main topic for this edition will be around "Communication for micro-satellites". The participants will have the theory and key concepts behind space communication with more practical parts.

In addition, lectures on "novel materials for space" or "Space safety" will be given. Visits and presentations of space industries are foreseen as well as the guest lecture from our Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier.


For more information, please contact :

Grégoire Bourban

All information about the week here.


The School of Engineering is situated in Sion, 2 hours by train from Geneva, in a beautiful mountain area.

Video of Sion (Switzerland)