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The study aims at systemizing the knowledge on instruments and procedures for early detection of endangerment of the child’s welfare through interfamilial violence. So far, there exists no study on the application of such instruments, on the possibilities and challenges they provide and on the relevant needs of professionals. The focus of the study is on screening tools applied with children in the health sector. Furthermore, also instruments from other sectors will be considered (such as child care, leisure time). It needs to be clarified to what extend these instruments are suitable for early detection of interfamilial violence against children and what recommendations can be derived thereof for practice in Switzerland.

The study encloses four parts:

  • an international literature review
  • a national web search and analyses of the Curricula of training and continuing education programs within this area
  • a standardized brief interview by telephone of practitioners in the health sector
  • detailed interviews with experts in the area of interfamilial violence and child protection.

The Valais School of Social Work is responsible for the expert interviews.