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Child protection assessment in Switzerland varies widely in procedure and underlying concepts, and so do decision making procedures. The introduction of a standardized and evidenced based tool aimes at improving the situation. The present research project evaluates the effects of the tool with respect to accuracy of decision making, but also to perceptions of parents and children and the professionals involved.
Three workpackages provide a comprehensive assessment of assessment:

1) A comparison of organisations using the new tool with other organisation with respect to parameters as duration of procedure and results in terms of number and type of protection mesures (UAS of Lucerne - Social Work);

2) A studyof the the tool's effects on children and parents and on their perception of the assessment procedure (UAS of Berne -Social Work)

3) The observation of the ecology of assessment, i.e. of the tool's embdedding in structure and process of assessing orgganizations and its effects on perception and interpretation of the situation by the assessings professionals (UAS Western Switzerland Valais-Wallis - School of Social Work).

Linking different theoretical and methodological approaches, this project aimes at contributing to the development of evidence based professional practices.