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Connecting different energy carriers on the demand and the supply side can facilitate the transition to a renewable, efficient and secure energy system. Technological progress has made sector coupling feasible and is starting to render it economically attractive

Thursday 19 September 2019 08:00 - 18:00

6th SCCER CREST Annual Conference

“Breaking Boundaries - Linking Sectors? Challenges for the Energy Transition“

Connecting different energy carriers on the demand and the supply side can facilitate the transition to a renewable, efficient and secure energy system. Technological progress has made sector coupling feasible and is starting to render it economically attractive. But many open questions remain, ranging from the actual benefits of a closer integration of different energy carriers, to designing regulations and institutions that facilitate a coordinated use of different energy carriers and coordinated investments in related infrastructure. And, not least, the development of appropriate business models and the new roles of incumbent and novel actors in a closely linked energy system are still to be defined.

In its Annual Conference 2019, the SCCER CREST will focus on such questions from a socio-economic perspective, highlighting the consequences, chances and risks of sector coupling and discuss the societal, legal and economic conditions that enable this process. In addition to the plenary program, researchers from the different CREST work packages and joint activities will present their current research and discuss their results.

The HES-SO Valais-Wallis is hosting this national conference. The event will take place at the Techno-Pôle in Sierre. Prof. René Schumann and his team are in charge of the organization.

Program : Link