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The project aims to implement a decision-making and planning tool that takes into account consideration of both mobility constraints and demands as well as energy constraints. This tool must allow a coherent and factual choice of the resources invested while ensuring an optimized offer both from the point of view of users and the energy used.

The project aims to set up a decision-making and planning tool that takes into account both mobility constraints and demands as well as energy constraints. This tool must allow a coherent and factual choice of the resources invested while ensuring an optimized offer both from the point of view of users and the energy used.

As part of the development of the decision support tool, the project must make it possible to develop

  • A methodology for analysing a mobility network.
  • A methodology for analysing an energy network.
  • A methodology for analysing the interaction between mobility needs and a smartgrid.

The decision support tool and related methodologies will be applicable in other urban centres to assess their potential for optimisation in the field of mobility and energy.