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Offering a concrete aid for Swiss administrations in form of an online platform helping them doing requirements engineering (RE) while implementing standards and best practices for BPM and thus promoting the Swiss eGovernment strategy.


CARES – Computer-Aided Requirements Engineering Software is a cloud-based requirements engineering (RE) tool allowing Swiss administrations to create WTO-conform procurement documents towards their business processes.

With CARES, authorities will be able to:

  • Document and model their business processes (BP) as recommended by Swiss E-Government standards
  • Use the BP represented in BPMN as a basis for Requirements Engineering (RE)
  • Enrich the process documentation in case BPMN would not be sufficient for RE
  • Generate a complete requirements report that can be published as a request for proposal

The institute will create a software providing a methodology that will allow public authorities to do RE and to submit their WTO-conform requirements specifications via a portal. The developed software will be sufficiently generic to allow private companies or other organizations to do their RE towards their business processes in conformance with the WTO regulations.