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Many drugs, especially those used to treat cancer or infections, are very powerful and targeted, but at the same time toxic. This is why the individual dosage of drugs regularly needs adapting, which can be a real challenge for doctors. These adjustments are currently based on blood tests and time-consuming laboratory analyses which do not take into account the patients’ medical histories.

The technological progress in recent years has made it possible to develop integrated, user-friendly and practical miniaturised devices that can be used for today’s therapies. The ISyPeM 2 project aims at developing a portable system for rapid (10 minutes) blood analyses at the point of care, using a single drop of blood. The device’s software is linked to a remote database which contains the patients’ medical histories and also similar cases. The part used for drawing blood is disposable.

The project pursues the following three objectives:

  • Measure the drug level in the blood with an automated and compact analyser
  • Inform healthcare professionals of the patients’ behaviour and suggest adjustments of the drug dosage
  • Register the intake of medication and the measurements in a remote database to allow improvements of drug dosage adjustments to be made

The HES-SO Valais-Wallis participates in this ambitious, multi-site and interdisciplinary project with the development of the optical module (Institute of Systems Engineering), of the patient database (Institute of Information Systems), the blood tests and the prototyping of the entire system (Institute of Life Technologies)


Scientific Publications




Vidéo of Nano-Tera Annual Plenary Meeting 2016: Virtual Edition


Video of Journée eHealth (03.06.2016, Sierre)