You recruit an individual who requires practical training in the field in order to be accepted into the Business Information Technology degree programme, as they have passed the baccalaureate (school-leaver’s certificate) or Federal Vocational Baccalaureate in another field.
The PiBS (Business Information Technology with Practical Training in a Company) partner companies or companies in the IT sector are approved in advance by the head of the degree programme.
Profile: Individual who has passed the baccalaureate (school-leaver’s certificate) or Federal Vocational Baccalaureate in another field.
Field of activity: IT-related (and/or administrative)
Company formalities:
- Type of contract: Conclusion of a contract between the individual and the company
- Duration: For the 4-year period of study
- Employment rate: Max. 60% (the company must release the individual on the course days)
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Contact person: Nicolas Debons, head of the degree programme ( / +41 58 606 89 22)