HES-SO Valais - Haute école de gestion
- dès 2008 : adjoint scientifique à l'Institut Tourisme et chargé de cours à la filière Tourisme
- 2007 - 2008 : collaborateur sur des projets Ra&D
- dès avril 2006 : responsable de cours météo et travaux divers sur mandats
Doctor M. et Scaglione M. (2007) : Etude de l’influence des prévisions météorologiques sur l’affluence aux remontées mécaniques en Valais pour la saison hivernale 2006-2007, HES-SO Valais (rapport interne)
Scaglione Miriam, Schegg Roland, Doctor Marut and Murphy Jamie (2007): Does the number of visitors to a tourism regional WebSite show any link with weather conditions? Proceedings of International Telecommunications Society Africa-Asia-Australasia Regional Conference 2007 Perth, Western Australia, August 26–28 Corporate Strategy and the Path to a New Economy.
Doctor M. et Scaglione M. (2008) : Etude de l’influence des prévisions météorologiques sur l’affluence aux remontées mécaniques en Valais pour la saison estivale 2007, HES-SO Valais (rapport interne).
DOCTOR M., LOUBIER JC., SCHUMACHER M. , REVILLOUD M., KANEVSKI M. and TIMONIN M.(2010): Rapport final du projet CTI Juste Neige No 9406.2 (rapport interne), 92 p.
LOUBIER JC., KANEVSKI M., SCHUMACHER M., TIMONIN V., CLARET S., ZIEBA A. and DOCTOR M. (2010): Optimization of snowmaking in high mountains ski resorts. 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimaraes Portugal.
LOUBIER JC., KANEVSKI M., DOCTOR M., SCHUMACHER M. and TIMONIN V. (2010): Snowmaking in ski resorts: spatial decision support for management of snowpack: Geophysical. Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-3595-1, 2010 EGU General Assembly Vienna, Austria.
Doctor M., Schnyder M. und Stumm N. (2011): Potenziale von Open Innovation-Modellen in der Tourismusbranche - Drei Fallbeispiele. In: Boksberger, Philipp/Schuckert, Markus: Innovationen in Tourismus und Freizeit - Hypes, Trends und Entwicklungen, Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit Band 12, Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin, S. 281-297.
Scaglione M. and Doctor M. (2011): The Impact of Inaccurate Weather Forecasts on Cable-car Use. In Weiermair K., Pechlaner H., Strobl A., Elmi M. & Schuckert M. (Eds): Coping with Global Climate Change. Strategies, Policies and Measures for the Tourism Industry. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, pp. 61-76.
Urbanc M., Pipan P., Clivaz C., Doctor M. et al. (2011): Le changement climatique et son impact sur le tourisme dans l’Espace Alpin. Rapport final du projet ClimAlpTour, Alpine Space, Ljubljana, 125 p. En particulier pour la HES-SO Valais : Aletsch, pp. 88-90.
Revilloud M. , Loubier J-C., Doctor M., Kanevski M., Vadim T. and Schumacher Ignaz M. (2011): Predicting Snow Height in Ski Resorts using a Multi-Agent Simulation. Multiagent and Grid Systems, Best of PAAMS 2011, editors: Demazeau Y. and Pecouchek M, IOS.
Clivaz, C., Doctor, M., Gessner, S., Ketterer, L., Luthe, T., Schuckert, M., Siegrist, D., Wyss, R. (2012): Adaptionsstrategien des Tourismus an den Klimawandel in den Alpen. Ergebnisse des alpenweiten Projekts ClimAlpTour in der Schweiz. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Landschaftund Freiraum. HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Nr. 8. Rapperswil.
Revilloud M. , Loubier J-C., Doctor M., Kanevski M., Vadim T. and Schumacher Ignaz M. (2013): Predicting snow height in ski resorts using an agent-based simulation. Multiagent and Grid Systems – An International Journal 9 (2013) 279–299.
Barras Tino, Doctor Marut, Revilloud Marc, Schumacher Michael and Loubier Jean-Christophe (2014): Queues in Ski Resort Graphs: the Ski-Optim ModelHuerta, Schade, Granell (Eds): Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place. Proceedings of the AGILE'2014 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Castellón, June, 3-6, 2014.
Doctor M., Schnyder M. and Grèzes-Bürcher Sandra (2016): Potential of Open Innovation Models in the Tourism Sector: Three Case Studies. In book: Open Tourism – Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing and Co-Creation Challenging the Tourism Industry, Publisher Springer, Vienna, Editors, Roman Egger, Igor Gula, Dominik Walcher, pp. 333-341.
Doctor M. (2017): Qu’est-ce que la bise? Météo Magazine no 17, publication Météorisk, Sion, pp. 22-33.
Rojas D., Doctor M., Fragnière E. and Zurbriggen R. (2018): Is price still the most important factor for making the client go skiing? A survey study based on conjoint analysis conducted in the Swiss Alps. In: Abstract book, Business models for sustainable growth in tourism Co-creating tourism experiences: chances, frontiers and limitations AIEST’s Advances in Tourism Research - Perspectives of Actors, Institutions and Systems 68th AIEST Conference Treviso, Italy , August 26 – 30, 2018, p. 19.
Klimek K. and Doctor M. (2018): Are alpine destination management organizations (DMOs) appropriate entities for the commercialization of summer tourism products? Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Elsevier, Volume 10, December 2018, pp. 181-190. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212571X17302500?via%3Dihub