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As part of the energy transition, and for almost five years now, several municipalities have been Innovative lighting solutions are testing a transition to so-called "Smart Lighting". Today, the whole of Switzerland's 2,200 municipalities is facing this paradigm shift. Nevertheless, they do not benefit from only very limited support in terms of figures to make the right decisions or to correctly plan their investments.

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To help municipalities and distribution network managers, a planning of Public lighting using an automated approach is proposed by this project. It will make it possible to propose a new service offer thanks to a planning tool which, through simulation, determines the best possible energy transition considering financial constraints and savings potential of energy. For municipalities without data, a drone approach will accelerate their collections. It allows to establish the state of play before the transition and then to monitor the implementation of the lighting.

Two lines of research make it possible to achieve this innovation. A first solution is to be found for processing the data collected, whether from open sources, owners or the data collection can be supplemented by the collection of non-existent data by drone. The challenge will be on the one hand, to synchronise the available data and, on the other hand, to extract the relevant data that characterise public lighting. The creation of a dataset will make it possible to train and validate the best algorithms of the Machine Learning type. The second challenge will be to integrate these mapped data into a software simulator to provide optimal and specific solutions for each territory.

By combining the strengths of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Tamdis SA and Navitas Consilium SA, we are able to make our contribution to this beautiful edifice that is the energy transition.