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Storage manager - Microgrid Techno-Pôle Sierre/Siders


The goal of this project (one requirement for the double-degree with Helsinki UAS) performed by 2 students was to implement the visualization system of the storage system installed at Technopôle Sierre/Siders. Photovoltaic production counters and consumption counters are integrated and manage the storage Leclanché.

The different counters from Building where photovoltaic (PV) panels are installed are integrated (light red curves) and the load curve bellow are cumulated (dark red line). The PV production curve is also integrated (yellow curve).

An iterative approach was used to integrate and implement the storage manager system :

  • Project Planning with Kanban
  • Analysis of different counters and integrate them.
  • Creation of the cumulative curve and implement the algorithms to drive the storage manager.
  • Implementation of a modbus TPC/IP interface to send command to the storage manager.
  • Visualization coached by Prof. Yann Bocchi


  • When PV production is above the cumulative con-sumption curves (dark red line), the storage is activated.
  • When PV production is too low for the buildings consumption, the grid will be used to compensate the extra need of power.
  • When no PV production is detected, during the night, only the grid will be used.


  • The preliminary results obtained is a visualization system of the different scenarios.
  • A manager interface was also developed to do analysis and manage the storage system.