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Friday 25 May 2018 16:30 - 18:00

Health Tech Evening - 25.05.2018, 16h30 - HES-SO Valais-Wallis (Aula FXB, route du Rawil 47, Sion) - CANCELLED

Presentation by Prof. Patrick Aebischer (EPFL)

Title : Med/Bio-tech from research to the market, a perspective and the needed ingredients for success

Patrick Aebischer is a well-known swiss professor with various academic and industrial activities, both very much linked to biotechnologies. Below is a short despcription of the 3 areas in which Patrick Aebischer is well-known.


Sir Aebischer is trained as a medical doctor (MD) and holds a PhD in neurosciences from the University of Geneva. He then moved to the US, Brown University to be more specific, where he held a professorship as the chairman of the section Artificial Organs, Biomaterials and Cellular Technology of the Division of Biology and Medicine until 1992.  In 1992 he moved back to Switzerland as a professor, heading the Surgical research Division and Gene Therapy at CHUV. His areas of interest are varied, ranging from  Biomaterials over artificial organs to neurodegenerative diseases, a field in which he is active today.

Technology transfer, entrepreneurship

Sir Aebischer is a well-know entrepreneur in the field of biotech. He has founded himself 3 startups, CytoTherapeutics inc., Modex Therapeutics inc. and Amazentis SA across 2 countries (USA and SUI). He sits on the board of the Lonza Group, Nestlé and presides the advisory board of the Novartis Venture fund, on of the largest corporate investment funds in Switzerland having over 40 companies in their portfolio.


Sir Aebischer was the president of EPFL for 16 years until the first of January. He instored an american model, rendering EPFL very competitive. Moreover he is the instigator of various major events that took place such as, the construction of the rolex learning center, press-conference establishing a framework for the Iranian nuclear negotiations, announcement of the double diploma (École Polytechnique Paris - EPFL), a talk given by Gordon Brown on the environment or creation of "under one roof" project to bridge culture and science. Last but certainly not least, a lot of sponsors have been attracted to EPFL under Aebischer's reign, e.g., Ernesto Bertarelli, Daniel Borel and Jean Claude Gandur invested in EPFL which gave further rise to thrilling R&D.

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