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The sustainable prevention of intimate partner violence and the reduction of related cost require various measures, which include an improved identification of such violence and easier access to targeted interventions for both victims and perpetrators of violence. Several studies have shown that social workers struggle to identify this violence, to talk with the persons concerned and to accompany them when seeking professional help. This project is in line with this approach.

The analysis of the practices of a group of social workers has led to the comprehension of the strategies that can be used to identify situations of intimate partner violence and of how affected persons can be accompanied when seeking professional help. A model of an intervention process with two interdependent and complementary phases was developed. It was further shown that the identification of violence and the assistance when seeking for help correspond to the mission and the practice of social work. The DOSAVI method, developed in close cooperation with practical partners, enables social workers to integrate these problems more effectively into their work when dealing with persons who experience and those who commit violence. She includes two reference documents and a training module. It offers concrete guidelines for how to act and makes professionals aware that, like other social or health problems, intimate partner violence can legitimately be taken into account during interventions with clients. 

Co-applicant :

- Christophe Fluehmann, HETS-FR


- la Commission cantonale de lutte contre la violence domestique du canton (CCLVD, Vaud),

- le Bureau de l’Egalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes (BEFH, Vaud),

- le Service de Prévoyance et d’aides sociales et le Service des Assurances Sociales et de l’Hébergement du canton de Vaud,

- le Pôle Ressources de la Fondation MalleyPrairie,

- l'association Violencequefaire,

- le centre LAVI Vaud,

- la fondation SANTE SEXUELLE Suisse.

Publications of the project :

Canal 9 « Violences domestiques : pour ne pas rester dans le silence »,

Un outil pour déceler les violences au sein du couple.

Lorenz, S. et Fluehmann, C. (2013). Dépister et orienter les personnes d'origine étrangère usant de violence au sein du couple : un défi pour les professionnels du champ social. In: Alterstice, 3(2), p. 51 – 66

Lorenz, S.; Dini S. & Cottagnoud, Y (2013). "Intervenir auprès des personnes auteures de violences dans le couple: Enjeux et rôle des intervenant-e-s sociaux dans le dépistage et l'orientation", In: Revue Suisse de travail social, 14-13, p. 74 – 89.