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The eCH BPM Starter-Kit is an open source business process management and knowledge exchange software that makes the implementation of Business Process Management (BPM) and eGovernment in Swiss communes and public authorities easy.

eCH BPM Starter-Kit

The eCH BPM Starter Kit is based on an analysis of the requirements of the Swiss government in the fields of Business Process Management (BPM) and eGovernment. It allows government departments to describe and manage their processes according to the eGovernment standards defined by the standards organisation eCH.

Together with recognised experts in the field, the Institute of Business Information Systems has developed a BPM method for the management of services and the description of public administration processes according to eCH standards. It has also developed and adapted an open software solution for the management of processes used to describe public administration services and processes. A platform for the exchange of these descriptions on national level is currently being developed.

The eCH0096-BPM Starter-Kit was awarded the second price in the category “Innovation” at the 9th eGovernment competition in Berlin. The project management method and the process modelling tool included in the Starter Kit have been downloaded over 600 times in Switzerland.

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