
Role | Professor UAS |
Phone | | | |
Office | ENP 19.N505 |
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Andlauer, food chemist, Head of the Food Technology Orientation of Degree Course program Life Technologies.
He has a track record in the assessment of the influence of processing methods on bioactive compounds like polyphenols or carotenoids. Development of robust analytical methods for analyses of bioactive compounds and assessment of their bioactivities is part of his research interest. He is also dealing with the modulation of functional components in plant-based food and the use of biostimulants for a sustainable agricultural production.
He is board member of the Suisse Society of Food Science and Technology (SGLWT), sector committee Food Chemistry of the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS), directors’ committee of Mediplant SA and the project commission of the Cluster Food & Nutrition. He is one of the national coordinators of the Swiss Master of Science in Life Sciences, Specialization “Food, Nutrition & Health”.
Latest projects
Biostimulants as natural alternatives to increase abiotic stress resilience in grapevine - Development of an easy-to-use model to evaluate biostimulant applications. Project financed by HES-SO, in collaboration with Wolfram Brück (HES-SO Valais Wallis, Sion, Switzerland) and Markus Rienth (Ecole d’Ingénieur Changins, Switzerland). 03/2022 – 10/2023.
Interactions between bioactive compounds and carrier agents during drying of fruit juices. Project financed by FNS (200021L_192325 / 1), in collaboration with A. Michalska (Wroclaw University, Poland) and M.D. delCastillo (Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain). 10/2020 – 09/2023.