Vlad Hasmatuchi was born in December 1983 in Arad, Romania. In 2007, he graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hydraulic Machinery Branch from “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (UPT), Romania. In the same year, Vlad Hasmatuchi joined the Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines (LMH) from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, to achieve a doctoral work in the field of hydraulic turbomachinery. In 2012, he got his Doctoral Degree in Engineering from the EPFL, Switzerland, with the Thesis entitled “Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode”.
During his studies, he had the opportunity to gain research work experience at the National Center for Engineering of Systems with Complex Fluids - Numerical Simulation and Parallel Computing Laboratory from UPT, Romania. His Diploma Project entitled “The Analysis of the Effect of Water Jet Injection on the Flow Behavior in a Francis Turbine Draft Tube at a Part Load Operating Point” was performed at the EPFL-LMH, Switzerland.
In 2012, Vlad Hasmatuchi is joining the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sion, the Systems Engineering Institute. He is in charge mainly of experimental investigations, as well as of numerical simulations.
His main research interests are the hydrodynamics of turbines, pumps and pump-turbines, including design and evaluation of the performance of hydraulic machines using the experimental investigation, as well as the numerical simulation.
Research Projects
Hydrodyna II - Eureka 4150
- Industrial partners: Andritz Hydro, Voith Hydro, Alstom Hydro
- Academic partners: EPFL-LMH, UPC-CDIF
- Financial support: Swisselectric Research, KTI/CTI
Hydronet I
- Industrial partners: KWO
- Academic partners: EPFL, EMPA, EAWAG, HSLU
- Financial support: CCEM, Swisselectric Research
Doctoral Thesis
- Hasmatuchi, V., 2012, “Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode”, EPFL Thesis No. 5373, Lausanne, Switzerland
Journal Articles
- Botero, F., Hasmatuchi, V., Roth, S., and Farhat, M., 2014, “Non-Intrusive Detection of Rotating Stall in Pump-Turbines”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 48(1-2), pp. 162-173, doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.03.007
- Münch-Alligné, C., Richard, S., Meier, B., Hasmatuchi, V., and Avellan, F., 2013, “Numerical Simulations of a Counter Rotating Micro Turbine”, Advances in Hydroinformatics, P. Gourbesville et al. (Eds.), Springer Hydrogeology
- Botero, F., Guzman, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Roth, S., and Farhat, M., 2012, “Flow Visualization Approach for Periodically, Reversed Flows”, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 19(4), pp. 309-321, doi: 10.1615/JFlowVisImageProc.2014006575
- Hasmatuchi, V., Farhat, M., Roth, S., Botero, F., and Avellan, F., 2011, “Experimental Evidence of Rotating Stall in a Pump-Turbine at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 133(5)
- Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Anton, I., and Avellan F., 2010, “Analysis and Prevention of Vortex Breakdown in the Simplified Discharge Cone of a Francis Turbine”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 132(5)
- Maruzewski, P., Hasmatuchi, V., Mombelli, H. P., Burggraeve, D., Iosfin, J., Finnegan, P., and Avellan, F., 2009, “Surface Roughness Impact on Francis Turbine Performances and Prediction of Efficiency Step Up”, International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2(3), pp. 353-362
Conference Papers
- Hasmatuchi, V., Münch, C., Gabathuler, S., Chevailler, S., and Avellan, F., 2014, “New Counter-Rotating Micro-Hydro Turbine for Drinking Water Systems”, Hidroenergia 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
- Hasmatuchi, V., Farhat, M., Roth, S., Botero, F., and Avellan, F., 2013, “Pressure-Synchronized PIV for Rotating Stall Evidence”, Proceedings of the 5th IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Münch-Alligné, C., Richard, S., Meier, B., Hasmatuchi, V., and Avellan, F., 2012, “Numerical Simulations of a Counter Rotating Micro Turbine”, SimHydro 2012, Sofia Antipolis, Nice, France
- Hasmatuchi, V., Roth, S., Botero, F., Farhat, M., and Avellan, F., 2012, “Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design Conditions in Generating Mode”, SimHydro 2012, Sofia Antipolis, Nice, France
- Roth, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Botero, F., Farhat, M., and Avellan, F., 2011, “Influence of the Pump-Turbine Guide Vanes Vibrations on the Pressure Fluctuations in the Rotor-Stator Vaneless Gap”, Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Belgrade, Serbia
- Landry, C., Alligné, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Roth, S., Muller, A., and Avellan, F., 2011, “Non-Linear Stability Analysis of a Reduced Scale Model Pump-Turbine at Off-Design Operation”, Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Belgrade, Serbia
- Hasmatuchi, V., Roth, S., Botero, F., Farhat, M., and Avellan, F., 2011, “Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine at Off-Design Operating Conditions: Numerical Simulation”, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Pumping Machinery, Hamamatsu, Japan
- Hasmatuchi, V., Mohamed, F., Roth, S., Botero, F., and Avellan, F., 2011, “Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design Conditions: Experimental Investigation”, SHF Conference on Cavitation and Hydraulic Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Hasmatuchi, V., Roth, S., Botero, F., Avellan, F., and Farhat, M., 2010, “High-Speed Flow Visualization in a Pump-Turbine under Off-Design Operating Conditions”, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 12(1)
- Roth, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Botero, F., Farhat, M., and Avellan, F., 2010, “Fluid-Structure Coupling in the Guide Vanes Cascade of a Pump-Turbine Scale Model”, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 12(1)
- Roth, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Botero, F., Farhat, M., and Avellan, F., 2010, “Advanced Instrumentation for Measuring Fluid-Structure Coupling Phenomena in the Guide Vanes Cascade of a Pump-Turbine Scale Model”, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, and Flow-Induced Vibration & Noise, Montreal, Canada
- Hasmatuchi, V., Farhat, M., and Avellan, F., 2010, “Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine under Off-Design Operating Conditions in Generating Mode”, Proceedings of the 1st EPFL Doctoral Conference in Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 111-114
- Alligne, S., Nicolet, C., Ruchonnet, N., Hasmatuchi, V., Maruzewski, P., and Avellan, F., 2009, “Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Self Oscillations of a Full Load Vortex Rope”, Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 325-338
- Hasmatuchi, V., Farhat, M., Maruzewski, P., and Avellan, F., 2009, “Experimental Investigation of a Pump-Turbine at Off-Design Operating Conditions”, Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 339-347
- Maruzewski, P., Hasmatuchi, V., Mombelli, H. P., Burggraeve, D., Iosfin, J., Finnegan, P., and Avellan, F., 2008, “Surface Roughness Impact on Francis Turbine Performances and Prediction of Efficiency Step Up”, Proceedings of the 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil
- Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Hasmatuchi, V., and Bernad, S., 2007, “Development of a Swirling Flow Control Technique for Francis Turbines Operated at Partial Discharge”, Proceedings of the 3rd German-Romanian Workshop on Turbomachinery Hydrodynamics, Timisoara, Romania, pp. 28-40
- Hasmatuchi, V., and Susan-Resiga, R, 2006, “Numerical Analysis of Swirling Flow Downstream a Hydraulic Turbine Runner”, Zilele Tehnice Studentesti - Volum de Lucrari Stiintifice, pp. 91-95
- Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Hasmatuchi, V., Bernad, S., Anton, I., and Avellan F., 2006, “Inviscid Vortex Breakdown in Decelerated Swirling Flows and Flow Control Methods”, 2nd Workshop on Vortex Dominated Flows, Bucharest, Romania