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Prof. Dr. Franka Kalman

Professor UAS
Office ENP 19.N506

Analytical Chemist, 14 years experience in pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical industry

Working domains: (bio)analytical development, validation, batch release, physico-chemical test methods for (bio)therapeutics, GMP quality management system

Since 9 years applied research and teaching (instrumental analytical chemistry, validation, separation sciences, quality management) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Sion.


Scientific / Industrial Activities

Head of the discussion group "Capillary Electrophoresis in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry"; AEA (Allgemeiner Erfahrungsaustausch Analytik - General Idea Exchange in Analytics) of the large pharmaceutical and chemical companies in Basel, Switzerland 
2000 – 2010

Lectureship “Applications of Analytical Chemistry” at the Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland
2007 – 2010

Permanent Member of the Symposium Organizing Committee: International Industrial Symposium on "Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries - Practical Applications for the Analysis of Proteins, Nucleotides and Small Molecules",  organized by the Californian Separation Science Society (CaSSS), USA
2002 – 2012

Symposium Co-Chair: CE in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries: Practical Applications for the Analysis of Proteins, Nucleotides and Small Molecules, 2007, Miami, Florida, USA

Member of the Permanent Scientific Committee: International Symposium on "MicroScale Bioseparations" (MSB), former HPCE (High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis), organized by the Californian Separation Science Society (CaSSS), USA
2006 – 2012

Member of the Board of the Division of Analytical Sciences, Swiss Chemical Society
from 2016

Member of the Symposium Organizing Committee:
Euroanalysis 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland

Coordinator for the cooperation, Platform Analytics ITV (Institute of Life Technologies, HES-SO Valais, Sion) and Platform Analytics EPFL (Lausanne)
from 2017

Mentor in the mentoring program: Fix-the-leaky-pipeline
A carrier-building program for women in science, organized by Swiss Universities (e.g. ETH, EPFL) and Swiss state financed research organizations (e.g. eawag, empa, PSI);
from 2019

