
Role | Senior academic associate UAS |
Phone | |
gianluca.rizzo at | |
Office | L145 |
Gianluca Rizzo is Senior Researcher at HES-SO since April 2013. Previously, he has been Research Assistant Professor at IMDEA Network, and Adjunct Professor at UC3M. He has been with the IC lab at EPFL, Switzerland, between 2004 and 2008, where he received his PhD in Computer Science in 2008.
He has gained industrial research experience as a Researcher in Telecom Italia labs (TILAB, former CSELT) between 2001 and 2003, and in ABB between 2008 and 2009, where he worked on Utility Communications. He holds a MS in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications (cum laude) from Politecnico di Torino.
His main research interests are in the design, modeling and performance evaluation of distributed systems, and in particular on analytical approaches to performance modeling, using a variety of techniques, among which, Stochastic Geometry, of Coupled Processors models, and of the tools of Network Calculus. He has been working on design and evaluation of algorithms for dynamic network management of wireless networks, on opportunistic communication paradigms such as Floating Content, on QoS provisioning in vehicular networks, on issues of IoT integration, and on QoS guarantees in avionic networks.
He has received the Best Paper Award at ITC 2011 and IEEE NCA 2012, the Honourable mention at COMSNETS 2015, and the Best Student Paper Award at ITC 2017.
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