Student reports

Students are coming from all over the world to study at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis



"I really enjoyed staying in Switzerland for this placement. I had a first experience with a new culture and a new language. It was a truly beneficial experience.”

Chris T., Germany


The practical way of education at HES-SO, the interaction between students and teachers, activities hold by Move office, friendly and lovely Swiss people”

Lili Xu, China


“The learning environment of school. Teachers and students are friendly. I like this school and the beautiful scenery.”

Bo Lu, China


“What I really liked was my thesis subject, people, sun, environment, good support and kindness at school.”

Lowie H., Belgium


“Ce que j’ai particulièrement apprécié était l’organisation de la HES-SO Valais-Wallis, du bureau MOVE et les cours."

Sara T., Germany
