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Friday 20 September 2024 13:15 - 15:15

HEG Sierre, Aula
Public conference

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for exchange between research experts and professionals in the field, with a view to highlighting best practices and exploring paths towards more responsible tourism. With the tourism sector set to play a crucial role in the environmental and social transition, this event aims to demonstrate that implementing regenerative strategies is not only possible, but also beneficial to the Swiss tourism economy.

By bringing together innovative thinkers, decision-makers and committed players, the conference aims to create a space for constructive dialogue and the sharing of successful experiences, underlining the importance of an integrated approach that enhances natural and cultural heritage while responding to today's sustainability challenges.


  • Daniel Amrein, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
    Présentation du meilleur projet des étudiants (F)

  • Umberto Florèo, Projektträger und Buchautor
    Eine Landschaft und ihr Freigeist oder wie das Beherbergungsprojekt Hostelleria einem Tessiner Tal neues Leben gibt (D)
  • Prof. Alessandro Inversini, EHL Hospitality Business School
    Regenerative Hospitality: Bridging regenerative vision and practice (E)

  • Sarah Balet, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
    Vers une vision régénérative - Fondements, introduction et perspectives futures (F)


Round table discussion

  • Roland Schegg, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
    Réinventer l'Hospitalité : Dialogues sur la transition vers l’hôtellerie régénérative (F, D, E)


Apéritif & Buch Präsentation
Eine Landschaft – Ihr Libertin