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Provide hikers with a new layer of safety and difficulty information on hiking routes, allowing them to better choose a path according to their skills.


The Syris project aims at analyzing existing recommendation algorithms and defining the one that would be the most adapted to a use in Valais within the framework of a prototype usable in the field. There are currently several ways of recommending routes: by comparing routes according to technical characteristics (length, altitude difference, difficulty points, ...), by comparing user profiles according to their physical condition or preferences, by comparing the opinions given by hikers on particular routes, or by comparing the profile of a group of users. 

However, each algorithm needs suitable data, the existence or not of which should be discovered in databases, their accessibility, and then obtained and used to evaluate the algorithm's performance. This would answer the question: "What choice should be made among the current recommendation systems in order to have the most appropriate solution for hikers?

This project would also allow for the acquisition of skills in recommender systems for pedestrian tourism. It will also aim to create direct links with companies interested in a practical valorization: WeGaw, Kinitic, MTIS ..., as well as links with other domains such as health (Institute of Health of the HES-SO) like Valrando, the department of mobility of the canton of Valais, the economic promotion of Valais, the promotion of the Valais, ... It would allow to have a general vision on the needs of tourism while exploring the needs of particular target audiences such as the elderly or those who have experienced a health problem and need to follow a rehabilitation program.


  • Cotting, A. & Calbimonte, J.-P. (2021). OpenDataSyris: système de recommandation pour itinéraires pédestres de santé (Techreport REPORT_SBM; p. 19 p.). HES-SO Valais-Wallis. 
  • Calbimonte, J.-P., Martin, S., Calvaresi, D., Zappellaz, N., Hilfiker, R. & Cotting, A. (2020). Semantic Data Models for Hiking Trail Difficulty Assessment. Proc. Of the International ENTER 2020 Conference: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 295–306.
  • Calbimonte, J.-P., Zappellaz, N., Hébert, E., Simon, M., Délétroz, N., Hilfiker, R. & Cotting, A. (2018). SanTour: Towards Personalized Recommendation of Hiking Trails to Health Profiles. Proc. Of the 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs on Travel and Tourism. Current Trends in Web Engineering. ICWE 2018, vol 11153, 238–250.