The evolution of mobility: A socio-economic analysis (JA Mobility)

With the second phase of the Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Reserach (SCCER) the CTI has introduced the "Joint Activities" bringing together researchers from different SCCERs to team-up and join forces to investigate the pressing questions of the future energy system of Switzerland.
The Smart Infrastructure Laboratory is member of the Joint Acitivity "The evolution of mobility: A socio-economic analysis" or for short JA Mobility. The JA Mobility is a joined research efforts of the SCCER CREST ( and the SCCER Mobility ( The Joint Activities contains three work streams and involves about 10 research groups from 6 different institutions in Switzerland.
Our team is active in the Work stream 2 that address the brings together different researchers and their models covering different aspects of the field of mobility. The goal is to obtain a more complete view of the effects of mobility by linking the different models. In particular we are going to link the following models STEM (PSI), MATSIM (ETH), Swissmod (University Basel), BedDem (HES-SO), each covering a specific aspect relevant for the future mobility in Switzerland.
Moreover, Prof. Dr. René Schumann is the overall coordinator of the Joint Activity Mobility.
Start | 01 / 2017 |
End | 12 / 2020 |
Funding | CTI, HES-SO, eEnergyCenter |