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Jean-Paul Calbimonte Pérez

Professeur·e HES associé·e
Formations PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. MSc in Computer Science, EPFL.
Fax +41 27 606 90 00
Bureau L114

I am a senior researcher at the Applied Intelligent Systems Lab (AISLab) at HES-SO Valais-Wallis. My research interests are currently focused on the application of AI and knowledge management techniques in healthcare use cases. I have special interest in the application of data semantics and machine learning techniques applied to data from wearables and sensing devices. Use cases include chronical diseases, diabetes, and active ageing and rehabilitation.

On the more technical aspects I have extensively worked on the use of ontology-based techniques for managing data streams, potentially coming from heterogeneous sources. Use cases include environmental sensing, social networks, pollution control, and health monitoring. Most of these works have been applied in different scientific projects, funded by the EU and national funding agencies. More details about past projects on my personal page:

Previously, I worked as postdoc at LSIR EPFL, working with Karl Aberer. I finished my PhD in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, working on ontology-based data access for streams under the supervision of Oscar Corcho. I completed my master degree in EPFL as well, after a bachelor in UCB, Cochabamba. In addition, I had a short experience in the industry, working on medical information systems and radiology application platforms.

Jean-Paul Calbimonte