Unique R&D Value chain of HES-SO Valais-Wallis
HES-SO Valais-Wallis has an exceptional value chain that includes research groups in diagnostics, optics, embedded communicating systems, ehealth, nursing, readaptation, physiotherapy. This value chain is complemented by competencies in management and entrepreneurship. These research groups are established in both the academic and industrial sectors, at local, national and international levels.
Furthermore, HES-SO Valais-Wallis has the capacity to enable transfer to companies through the development of real prototypes for this whole chain of technologies, which makes it an singular applied academic research partner in this field.
Tech Transfer
The main goal of the Health Innovation Center is to allow Technology transfer. To achieve this:
- It is a bridge between academia and industry, being able to understand advances in fundamental research (such as in EPFL Valais) and translating them to realistic applied research prototypes that follow industry needs.
- It fosters innovation with SMEs and startups, so that the applied research knowledge may especially be transferred towards the canton of Valais. The Center especially pursues a close collaboration with the Foundation The Ark, in alignment with the promotion strategy of the Canton;
- It supports HES-SO Valais Wallis to acquire national and international R&D projects in the topics of the Center, so that it can strengthen its profile as an applied academic partner, especially focusing on the development of real running prototypes.
The Center fosters ethically-driven technology development to fully respect and serve human life, during health technology development and during its use. The Center also fosters protection of privacy of health data. Furthermore, before any new development, an evaluation of the social implication of the technology choice and its relevance may be done.