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Postauto smartshuttle

Autonomous vehicles promise to be the next revolution in transportation, changing drastically how people move and make use of transport vehicles. Autonomous vehicle transportation will have an even higher impact and will provide more services when used in the frame of public transport services, where they should find their first users in suburban areas, which are less well served by traditional transportation networks.

Within AVENUE Project, the Uvrier-Sion replicator site will be run by PostAuto, HES-SO Valais and the City of Sion who are launching regular on-demand public transport service with fully automated NAVYA mini-buses.

HES-SO participate in the project by contributing in the setting of the Uvrier site, and namely the bus-stop information points, study the related socio-economic issues at the Uvrier site and provide some technical support to PostBus for the site deployment. A special focus is done on the needs of people with disability.