The CONtext and conTent Aware CommunicaTions for QoS support in VANETs (CONTACT) project targets Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETworks (VANETs) supporting delay-tolerant and bandwidth-demanding infotainment services as well as safety critical applications which require stable links, low latency and the lowest possible packet loss rate. The applications will make use of V2V, and/or V2I communications.
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have been receiving a lot of interest from academia, automotive industry, and government, as they hold the potential to enable a wide range of applications and services, improving both safety and comfort on the road. One of the main drivers of vehicular communications is the support for safety applications (e.g. accident, traffic jam notifications), which together with the more recent autonomous and coordinated driving applications require low end-to-end delay and no packet loss.
The main goal of the CONTACT project is to enable Quality of Service (QoS) support in VANETs by developing a set of communication techniques which efficiently adapt, at the same time, to the highly volatile and unstable vehicular environment, to content attributes and properties, and to application performance requirements.