
Das Internet hat die Praktiken im Bereich Gesundheit von Grund auf verändert: Gesundheitsfachleute haben ihre Arbeitsmethoden angepasst, während Patienten und Patientinnen immer öfter selber nach Informationen suchen.
Das Institut hat daher zahlreiche eHealth-Projekte durchgeführt, um die Dienstleistungen für die Benutzer/innen bezüglich der Zuverlässigkeit der Informationen, der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und der Risikoprävention zu optimieren.
The Applied Intelligent Systems Lab (AISLab) is doing applied reseach on intelligent techniques for solving concrete problems, mainly in eHealth. Its methodology is bottom-up, thus starting from real requirements and trying to find the best available techniques to solve them. From this experience, AISLab is defining concepts & techniques especially in the areas of intelligent agents. Our activites are mainly in three areas :
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The MedGIFT project started at the medical faculty of the University of Geneva, Switzerland in 2002 and is since 2007 located in the Institute for Business Information Systems at the HES-SO in Sierre (Valais), Switzerland. The name stems originally from the use of the GNU Image Finding Tool (GIFT) for medical applications. Over the years the GIFT has been used less frequently and a large set of tools and applications have been developed to advance the field of medical visual information retrieval. All developed tools are open source and can be requested by email. Some very old tools might not be available anymore. A very strong collaboration with medical informatics and the University Hospitals and University of Geneva, Switzerland continues to keep the group activities in medical information analysis and at the interface between computer science and medicine.
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