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Pierre-André Mudry

Leiter des Studiengangs Informatik und Kommunikationssysteme
Professor/in FH
Ausbildungen Docteur ès sciences, Ingénieur EPF en informatique
E-Mail pierre-andre.mudry@hevs.ch
Linkedin https://ch.linkedin.com/in/pamudry
Büro ENP.21.N103

Dr Pierre-André Mudry received a Master in Computer Science from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, in 2004 and a PhD in Computer Science from the same institution in 2009, with a thesis entitled "A Hardware/Software Codesign Framework for Cellular Computing". His interests include digital and bio-inspired hardware development, reconfigurable single-instruction processors, parallel embedded systems, FPGA and electronic design tools. He is author of several papers on these subjects.


Bachelor's degree

  • Informatik 1 : Einführungkurs in die Programmierung, zwei Semestern
  • Informatik 2 : Datenstrukturen, programmation orientée-objet avancée, Algorithmik
  • Information systems : Integrierte Systeme Einführung und ihre Programmierung
  • Foundations of programming 1: imperative and object-oriented programming in Scala.

Master's degree

  • Advanced programming paradigms : Funktionale Programmierung, programmation basée acteurs, domain specific languages und Programmierung Überprüfung.