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Thursday, 15. September 2016 - 14:00 - 17:00

The HES-SO Valais-Wallis Data Semantics Lab and the eCH Open Government Data Group co-organize a follow-up to the previous Linked Data meetings organized by the Swiss Federal Archives in 2014 and the Linked Data Switzerland Workshop 2015. The event will be kindly hosted by the Swiss Federal Archives, in Bern.

The aim of this year's workshop is to bring together the actors of Linked Data technologies to join forces and prepare the E-Government Fokus day organized by the Bern University of Applied Sciences on the 28th October 2016 on the topic “Linked Data in Practice”. This will be the opportunity to make an inventory of the tools, skills, projects and actors in the Linked Data field in Switzerland (to be presented at the E-Government Fokus) and prepare thematic workshops for the E-Government Fokus (Flyer).

Participants of the workshop

  • Swiss Federal Archives
  • Swiss Federal Statistical Office
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
  • Swiss Federal Office of Topography
  • Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
  • eCH Open Government Data Group
  • Die Wissens-Ingenieure - a Knowledge Engineering solution provider and consulting company with a focus on semantic information integration, modeling and reasoning
  • Ontos GmbH - a provider and developer of semantic technologies with focus on information integration and analysis. Ontos is part of a group dealing with AI on Big Data
  • Plazi - a Swiss based NGO and SME with the goal to foster and  provide open access to scientific, published  research data covering the world’s biodiversity
  • Semweb - a software development and consulting company specialized in the fields of Linked Data and Semantic Web
  • Zazuko - a software development and consulting company focusing on Semantic Web and related technologies
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • ETH-Bibliothek
  • University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur
  • HES-SO Valais/Wallis - Data Semantics Lab



Round of table: What’s new?

The goal of this part is to get an idea of what is presently going on in Switzerland with regard to linked data in the public sector and beyond. At the same time it will provide an overview of how the participants relate to these activities.

  • Short presentation of LOD-related activities during the current year
  • Outlook to the next 1-2 years
  • Main challenges / questionings

(max. 5 minutes per participant; max. 3 slides)


Coordination needs

The goal of this part is to identify areas where collective action is required in order to further the cause of linked data in Switzerland.


Topics to be addressed vis-à-vis public administration / heritage sector organizations

The goal of this part is to come up with 5-6 topics that we would like to address in the context of the “Knowledge Café” that will take place as part of the “eGov-Fokus Event” on 28 October 2016 in Bern. Ideally, we will be able to designate one person per topic as an expert participating in the event. (There will also be one person per topic from BFH acting as (co-)moderator and helping with the documentation; people taking on an official role during the event will benefit of free entrance). 


Save the date

  • Date: September 15th 2016, 14:00 - 17:00
  • Address: Swiss Federal Archives, Archivstrasse 24, 3005 Bern, Switzerland

Workshop chair and further information

Please contact me for any further question and if you want to participate to the workshop.

Fabian Cretton, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), fabian.cretton@hevs.ch